
 Worship is one of the many ways in which we respond to God.

Friends find that worship is made deeper, more powerful, and more meaningful by using silence. We use a 'semi-programmed' manner of worship, with our hymns, readings, prayers and sermons given room, or framed in silence. The sermon is generally given by the pastor, guest, or an attendee of the Meeting.

Central to our life of worship together is our period of open worship. During these moments we experience communion by partaking of Christ in expectant silence and in sharing leadings given by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit may move any one in worship to speak. Words that arise out of the reverent silence are often more helpful than any prepared message.

Your Ministry

At West Branch Friends Church we believe each and every person has gifts for ministry. We are all needed and valued as part of the Body of Christ. We will help you find  your ministry among us and use your gifts to reach out to others in our world.

Our Mission Statement:

               West Branch Friends Church is a fellowship of disciples of Jesus Christ.  We seek to be obedient to the leading of the Light of Christ as revealed to each individual by the Holy Spirit and through our understanding of the Scriptures.  Recognizing that of God in everyone, we endeavor to promote the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, integrity, equality, peace and justice.  We strive to be examples of Christ's love, and desire that our actions be the evidence of our faith and our faith be the source of our actions.