This Month's Birthdays:
March 11: Jon Tippin
March 13: Ryan Bowers
March 14: Rob Hinkhouse
March 20: Julie Tallman
March 21: Donna Hemingway
and Janet Espensen
March 22: Carolyn Hansen
March 23: Robin Jindrich-Cecil
March 26: Otto Jeddeloh
March 27: Stan Hinkhouse's 70th
Heavenly Birthday
March 28: Ed English
March 29: Al Bohanan
March 30: Carolyn Meisner
None this month
*Get the latest news and link to the Sunday zoom worship services on Facebook @
"West Branch Friends Church" page!
Meeting News
Friends of the Wild
If you've seen the calendar listing "Friends of the Wild" on the second Sunday of the past few months and wondered what it is, here's the scoop.
Many of us recognize the importance of spending time in nature, but perhaps we never considered how it's just as possible to have a worship service in God's wild outdoors as in a church building! Friends meet at Herbert Hoover Park at 4 PM each second Sunday of the month for a brief time of sharing and then exploring all the beautiful nature available in the park.
If this sounds like something you'd like to experience and would like more information, contact Pastor Chris Humrichhouse about the opportunity!